Awarded as the Most supportive business consulting firm in 2023
Sponsored the Dűlőre futunk 2023 charity running race
Együttműködési megállapodást kötött a Honvéd Auróra Sportegyesület és a Morihana Kft.: a támogatásért a HASE sakk szakosztálynak a nemzeti bajnokságban játszó csapatai Morihana-Honvéd ASE néven indulnak a 2024/25-ös és 2025/26-os versenyidényben.
A Hungarian IT consulting firm won a tender for a logistics company, but had a lack of expertise in data migration and system change cutover processes. For this purpose they looked for a partner.
An IT consulting Hungarian SME though had contacts at a pharmaceutical factory, had a lack of expertise to perform the IT audit their client needed. For this purpose they were looking for a partner.

Our Values

Our mission is to fulfill our clients' wishes for sustainable developments and growth for both their business and their environment, and be the most attractive firm for highly skilled, creative and emotionally balanced people.

Gold fish as a logo reflects being that kind of benefactor, with a friendly approach in progressing together.

We believe that our values are reflected not just in abstract terms but practically by the wok of our colleagues. We are proud of working with them as well as with our partners, that's why they are presented here.

Peter Szamoskozi

Peter Szamoskozi


Would you like to join us?

As boats have keels have keels to be balanced at challenging times, we believe: beside intelligence and creativity, integrity and emotional maturity are also essential attributes of our colleagues to serve clients outshine.